
Privacy Policy

Print OÜ, Saku 15, Tallinn 11314, Estonia, +372 5680 0843 is responsible for the privacy policy and handling personal data on web pages. By using the OÜ (from here on „us“) services, the user (from here on “Data Subject”) agrees with the following terms and conditions related to personal data management. Using the service is not possible without handling this type of personal data.

Our Privacy Policy principles can be found below, which originate from the European Parliament and European Council’s general regulation of personal data protection (EU) 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and which handle the collection, using and handling of delicate personal data of the Data Subject.

Personal data protection is a fundamental right of all citizens in European Union.Personal data relates to all data that OÜ collects for providing services, signing the contract, identifying the person, getting in touch with the person, providing the service or solving any questions, also for presenting the invoice.

The principles stated above do not apply for handling the data of legal representatives.

The principles stated above do not apply for handling the data of legal representatives. The company appointed representative as the service requestor is the representative of a legal person. Our web pages may contain external links to third party web pages. Their appropriate privacy policy must be followed when navigating to these pages. Our privacy policy does not include handling personal data in case someone has navigated to an external website from web pages. 

The protection of personal data

The purpose of collecting and handling data. We require data for:
Confirming the booking of car rental;
To respond to your enquiry and proving the necessary information to you;
Signing the rental contracts so that you could use the vehicle according to the rental contract;
Providing the service;
For providing better customer support; and
Presenting the invoice.  

All personal data that is collected about the Data Subject is necessary for providing the service. All the personalised data about the Data Subject is handled according to the GDPR requirements. Only appointed employees have the access to the data. protects the personal data and privacy according to GDPR and applies all reasonable safety measures (including administration, technical and physical measures) to protect the personal data of the Data Subject. enables the access to the personal data of the Data Subject only to dedicated personnel.  


All data from visiting web pages and personal data submitted by the Data Subject are handed as confidential information. web pages have been installed with the secure SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certification and information between the server and the visitor moves through encrypted (HTTPS) communication channel which ensures the security of visitor data. SSL certification encrypts the data moving around public internet and ensures its confidentiality. All information passed on to us by the Data Subject is handled as confidential information by us. Only appointed personnel has access to the data.  

What kind of data is collected?

We collect the following data about the Data Subject for signing the contract and identifying the uniqueness of the Data Subject.
First and last name; ID code; address; telephone number; email address; the start and end date of the rental period; the length of rental agreement in days; the starting and ending point of the rental; the list of rented additional equipment; the mobile number of the Data Subject; the age and gender of Data Subject; the driving licence number; the country issuing the driving licence; date of birth; the number of additional document; copy of driving licence; copy of the payment method data; information about countries where the Data Subject wishes to drive in; the make, model and technical details of the selected vehicle; the payments for the orders; the booking number; any additional information that Data Subject wants to provide; data that will be included in the rental contract in order to make it possible to provide the service; the amount of payment and deposit; provided details on the invoice; information about agreement with the rental contract.
From technical data, the Data Subject’s IP address details together with web browser, computer operating system and version of the software, also the time of visiting the web page(s) and the time of making the booking is collected for providing the service and identifying the Data Subject. This is an additional security measure for the web environment.

For legal entities we collect: the name of company, registration number of the company, the VAT number of the company, email address, contact telephone number, country and details about the appointed personnel: name, postal address, telephone number, email address.
The rental contract is agreed in writing when handing over the car or it is signed beforehand with a digital signature. The rental service can be used only when agreeing with the rental contract conditions and paying for them. All personal data is protected according to the legal acts of European Union and Republic of Estonia. Our employees, who are in contact with the data of Data Subject, follow the GDPR and apply appropriate safety measures.

Storage of collected data

We are required to store certain data according to the legal acts of the Estonian Republic in the following way. The data of the Data Subject who has signed a rental contract with Autorent is stored up to 7 year, taking into account the date of the signing contract following the end of the financial year, which is related to the responsibility of having the proof of original documents and the contract according to the Estonian Republic Accounting law §12

Personal data that has been forwarded to us by the web pages used by Data Subject but where the Data Subject has not signed a contract or they have not been presented with the bill, will be deleted once a year. In this instance, we won’t delete the data until the end date of the rental period which has been marked in the booking by the Data Subject. If the Data Subject wants the data which has been submitted without signing the contract and which they have not been presented the bill for to be deleted earlier then they will have to submit an application to request it. After mentioned deadlines all data will be deleted and destroyed. We use all reasonable methods in order to fix or delete incorrect data about the Data Subject.

Forwarding the collected data can forward the personal data about Data Subject without the Data Subject’s permission only to an organisation or its representative who has the legal right or legal responsibility to require the data (i.e. Court or juridical action proceeders, police or other legal representatives). uses data only for providing the rental service.

We can provide the data for companies who support our business activities but only if it is necessary for providing the service. For example, if another company signs the contract with the Data Subject. In this instance, the Data Subject would sign the contract accordingly with the other company. We do not pass on the Data Subject data against the privacy policy.

The rights of Data Subject

The Data Subject has all the rights related to EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL regulation (EU) 2016/679, to the personal data protection law of Republic of Estonia, and to other legal acts. The Data Subject has the right to get all personal data about them from the data processor, demand a correction of the data, deletion of the data, to end the processing of the data, and use other rights related to the respective legal acts. The data processor will make the changes in data as soon as possible.
The Data Subject application is not satisfied if it is against any laws in Republic of Estonia or if they have already agreed with a signature to keep the records of personal data and data in the rental contract in this way. The application is also not gratified if the Data Subject cannot be identified, or if the change is not technically or legally possible.

If you would like to get a copy of your personal data then we could send it with an email in an encrypted form for safety reasons, by adding you as the addressee of the files by using your personal identification code. If you are not able to open that type of file for technical reasons, or if you can’t be added as an addressee for the encrypted files then you will be able to get the documents in person or with the appropriate notary warrant. The documents will be issued only during the working hours at our office. Different websites often provide standard privacy statements and only a small percentage of people will read them. Our privacy policy genuinely reflects the specification of company. This is why we are grateful that you have read it this far and give you the right to use a promotional code „privaatsus“. Using this code in your booking gives you 5% discount. Please also read our privacy policy principles to the end.


“Cookies” are files which are saved automatically in your computer when you visit a website. Our website pages could also contain cookies. You can block cookies in your web browser settings and you are also able to delete previously saved cookies from the settings. The information related to cookies is not personally identifiable. This is used to measure the webpage visits. We collaborate with other companies to get information about the website use and we use it in order to improve the service quality.

By using the website, you have read and agreed with the privacy statement. If you have any questions about the terms and conditions and about the data processing, or if you would like to get access to your personal data, request deleting them (on legal basis) or to make changes to this data then please contact [email protected].